The proposed house has been designed as a simple mono-pitch block which contains all the primary functions of the house; amenity, living, dining, sleeping and familial social interaction. The accommodation block locates these functions to take best advantage of the site orientation. As the building turns to face from south-east to the west, the elevation begins to open, to allow for the maximum utilisation of natural light and solar heat gains. The main living space of the house is orientated to enjoy the passage of the sun, from early sun on a winter’s morning to the full extent of the sunset on a summer’s night, both internally and from the external deck. To the northern side of the site, the utilitarian and circulation functions are located and these functions are organised behind a curved ‘utility wall’ and a curved ‘circulation wall’, which provide optimum utilisation of this lower amenity area of the site. These walls provide a strong external identity to the public face of the house and privacy to the house user, whilst providing an exciting and pleasing architectural aesthetic.